Hi there 👋

I'm Sakura Yumine

A Web Frontend Developer 🖥️

Connect with me

Languages and Tools

JavaScript TypeScript Vue.js React Node.js Deno Bun Hono Tauri Electron Capacitor PWA pnpm Vite Next.js Nuxt.js Hexo Sass Stylus Less ESLint Ruby Rails Python FastAPI Rust Cloudflare Vercel Netlify Railway Gcore AlmaLinux Ubuntu Docker NGINX


yandere-masonry pixiv-viewer booruwf-web booru-search vite-plugin-tm-userscript userscripts userscripts userscripts PixivCollection

GitHub Stats

Sakura Yumine's Github Chart

asadahimeka asadahimeka


My Playlist

Games playing or used to play


AFK(Away From Keyboard)

Shameful Pole

End of Service

PC Games

Something fun